Savica assisted SurfAid in developing a Social and Behaviour Change Communication (SBCC) strategy and materials to increase the rate of exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months in Nias district, North Sumatera province. From September to December 2019, Savica conducted a rapid assessment, followed by a five-day training for SurfAid staff.

Using a co-creation approach, training participants were not only exposed to information on SBCC but also directly involved in a practical exercise to develop an SBCC strategy. All ideas, information, and input from the training were then used to develop their own SBCC strategy on SurfAid’s exclusive breastfeeding program in Gido and Hiliduho subdistricts.

To provide a stronger capacity-building process, participants committed to developing more specific SBCC strategies, while Savica provided intensive mentoring on the strategy development process, pretesting, and finalization of materials.