Women without Borders (WwB) appointed Savica as the local implementing partner for the ‘MotherSchools: Parenting for Peace’ program in Bandung. The MotherSchools Model is a pioneering, family-centred prevention intervention developed by WwB in order to address the rising threat of extremism among vulnerable youth. The program consists of ten training sessions designed to equip mothers with the skills and confidence to guide their children through the challenges of adolescence and its negative influences. MotherSchools participants (approximately 125 mothers) will be divided into 5 groups, where one group consists of 20-25 mothers and is facilitated by certified teachers and note-takers who will be trained directly by the WwB.

As the implementing partner, Savica is responsible for the local project management, engaging with and mobilising local communities, and coordination with stakeholders and WwB throughout the implementation to ensure each activity is carried out as planned. In the implementation preparation process, Savica also partnered and networked with local governments at the sub-district and village levels, as well as various local organizations and communities in Bandung.

The ten week training sessions has started since early June 2024 and is expected to last through August 2024. Currently, Savica has successfully hire and organize 10 Teachers and 5 Note-takers that has been trained directly by WwB’s master trainers. Mobilisation of MotherSchools Indonesia’s participant itself has roughly gathered 125 eligible mothers with supports from the local government in village and municipality level.