Savica and its core consultants have published many articles, reports and other documents, a selection of which is provided below. Please contact us at savicaθ if you are interested in any of these.

Adolescent Nutrition

  1. Patterns and risk factors of double burden of malnutrition among adolescent girls and boys in Indonesia.
    Maehara M, Rah JH, Roshita A,Suryantan J, Rachmadewi A,Izwardy D (2019) -PLoSONE 14(8):e0221273.
  2. Strengthening Nutrition-Specific Policies for Adolescents in Indonesia: A Qualitative Policy Analysis
    Soekarjo DD, Roshita A, Thow AM, Li M, Rah JH. – Food Nutr Bull. 2018 Sep;39(3):475-486
  3. Improving nutrition for adolescent girls in Asia and the Middle East: Innovations are needed.
    Damayanti D. Soekarjo, Susan Shulman, Federico Graciano and Regina Moench-Pfanner. – One Goal 2014.
  4. Landscape report on Adolescent and Maternal Nutrition in Indonesia for the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition. Savica. July 2014.
  5. Indonesia’s crisis causes considerable weight-loss among mothers and adolescents.
    de Pee S, Bloem MW, Sari M, Soekarjo D, Tjiong R, Kosen S, Muhilal, Satoto. – Mal J Nutr 2000;6(2):203-214.
  6. Improving Reproductive Health through School-based Interventions among Adolescents in East Java, Indonesia (1996-1999).
    Helen Keller InternationalProgram Report GIRLS Project. –(Report to UNICEF and OMNI, 2000)

Food Fortification

  1. Vitamin A-fortified cooking oil reduces vitamin A deficiency in infants, young children and women: results from a programme evaluation in Indonesia.
    Sandjaja, Idrus Jus’at, Abas B Jahari, Ifrad, Min Kyaw Htet, Robert L Tilden, Damayanti Soekarjo, Budi Utomo, Regina Moench-Pfanner, Soekirman and Eline L Korenromp. – Public Health Nutrition 2015: 18(14), 2511–2522
  2. Fortifying Cooking Oil with Vitamin A in Two Rural Districts of Indonesia: Impact on Vitamin A Status of Mothers and Children.
    Sandjaja, Idrus Jus’at, Abas B Jahari, Ifrad, Min Kyaw Htet, Robert L Tilden, Damayanti Soekarjo, Budi Utomo, Regina Moench-Pfanner, Soekirman and Eline L Korenromp. –  Public Health Nutrition 2015 Jan 16
  3. Vitamin A Status Monitoring in Women and Children in Rural Indonesia: Serum Retinol and Retinol-binding Protein and their Correlation.
    Idrus Jus’at, Sandjaja Sandjaja, Abas Jahari, Min Htet, Sudikno Sudikno, Damayanti Soekarjo, Robert Tilden, Eline Korenromp, Regina Moench-Pfanner, Soekirman Soekirman. – Public Health Nutrition 2015, Jan 16
  4. Quality control to enable vitamin A fortification of cooking oil in Indonesia – pilot in two rural districts.
    Drajat Martianto, Soeroso Natakusuma, Sunawang Rahardjo, Ifrad, Idrus Jus’at, Damayanti Soekarjo, Ning Pribadi,  Robert Tilden, Eline Korenromp, Ravi Menon, Regina Moench-Pfanner,  Trihono. –  Presented at Micronutrient Forum, 4thJune 2014, Addis-Ababa.
  5. Legal framework for food fortification: examples from Vietnam and Indonesia.
    Dijkhuizen MA, Wieringa FT, Soekarjo D, Van KT, Laillou A. Food Nutr Bull. 2013 Jun;34(2 Suppl):S112-23
  6. Fortification of Indonesian unbranded vegetable oil: Public-private initiative, from pilot to large scale.
    Soekirman, Soekarjo D, Martianto D, Laillou A, Moench-Pfanner R. Food Nut Bull 2012;33(4 Suppl):S301-9
  7. Appraisal Mission onIncreasing Consumption of Iron Fortified Foods in Indonesia through Social Marketing Project. 
    Jack Bagriansky, Susan Shulman and Damayanti SoekarjoGAIN – Final Report(Internal document for GAIN, Geneva, 2006)
  8. Review and Analysis of National Nutrition and Food Fortification Situation in Indonesia.
    Damayanti D. Soekarjo. – (Internal document for GAIN, Geneva 2006)


  1. School-based supplementation. Lessons learned in Indonesia. Soekarjo DD, de Pee S, Kusin JA, Bloem MW. – UN/SCN, Geneva. 2006, SCN News #31.
  2. Effectiveness of weekly vitamin A (10,000 IU) and iron (60 mg) supplementation of adolescent boys and girls through schools in East Java, Indonesia.Soekarjo DD, de Pee S, Kusin JA, Schreurs WHP, Schultink W, Muhilal, Bloem MW. – Eur J Clin Nutr 2004;58:927-937.
  3. Socio-economic status and puberty are the main determining factors in anemia among adolescents in East Java, Indonesia. Soekarjo DD, de Pee S, Bloem MW, Tjiong R, Yip R, Schreurs WHP, Muhilal. – Eur J Clin Nutr 2001;55:929-939.
  4. Effect of maternal multiple micronutrient supplementation on fetal loss and infant death in Indonesia: a double-blind cluster-randomised trial.
    The Supplementation with Multiple Micronutrients Intervention Trial (SUMMIT) Study Group. – Lancet 2008;371:215–27.
  5. Foods naturally rich in iron increase hemoglobin concentration among anemic Indonesian adolescents.
    M Sari, S de Pee, R Yip, E Martini, Sugiatmi, D Soekarjo, Muhilal, MW Bloem. – Abstracts of INACG Meeting, p.28, Peru 2004. ILSI Washington DC.
  6. Effectiveness of school-based micronutrient supplementation of adolescents in East Java, Indonesia.
    Soekarjo DD, De Pee S, Kusin JA, Schreurs WHP, Muhilal, Bloem MW. – Presentatie op Symposium ‘High Tech & Poor Health’ (United Streams, Ned Ver Tropische Geneeskunde, ShareNet). AMC, 15 Mei 2003. J Tropical Medicine and International Health volume 8 no 11 november 2003, Supplement pp. A5-A6.
  7. 24-VASQ method for estimating vitamin A intake: reproducibility and relationship with vitamin A status.
    De Pee S, Bloem MW, Halati S, Soekarjo D, Sari M, Martini E, Kiess L, Muita M, Davis D, Sakya N, Gorstein J. – Report of the XIX International Vitamin A Consultative Group Meeting, p 96. Washington DC: IVACG, 1999.
  8. Vitamin A and iron supplementation of adolescents through schools is necessary and feasible, intervention in Indonesia.
    Soekarjo DD, De Pee S, Bloem MW, Tjiong R, Yip R, Schreurs WHP, Muhilal. – Report of the XIX International Vitamin A Consultative Group Meeting, Washington DC: IVACG 1999.
  9. Should vitamin A supplementation be included as part of an anemia control program for adolescent girls? School supplementation program in East Java, Indonesia.
    Soekarjo DD, De Pee S, Bloem MW, Tjiong R, Yip R, Schreurs WHP, Muhil – Report of the XVIII International Vitamin A Consultative Group Meeting, p 93. IVACG 1997.


  1. Key strategies to further reduce stunting in Southeast Asia: Lessons from the ASEAN countries workshop.
    Bloem MW, de Pee S, Le TH, Nguyen CK, Laillou A, Minarto, Moench-Pfanner R, Soekarjo D, Soekirman, Solon JA, Theary C, and Wasantwisut E. – Food Nut Bull 2013 Jun;34(2 Suppl):S8-16


  1. A classroom based intervention in conflict affected Poso, Indonesia: Synthesising lessons learned from research and practice.
    Susanty, D.,Jordans, M.J.D., Irmayani, R., & Tol, W. A., 2015. – Intervention, 13( 3), 279 – 288.
  2. Implementation of a Mental Health Care Package for Children in Areas of Armed Conflict: A Case Study from Burundi, Indonesia, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and Sudan.
    Jordans MJD, Tol WA, Susanty Det al. (2012). – Plos Medicine.
  3. Developing a function impairment measure for children affected by political violence: A mixed- methods approach in Indonesia.
    Tol WA, Komproe IH, Jordans MJD, Susanty D, De Jong JTVM. (2011). – International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 1 -9.
  4. Mediators and moderators of a psychosocial intervention for children affected by political violence.
    Tol WA, Komproe IH, Jordans MJD, Susanty D, Gross AL, Macy RD, De Jong JTVM. (2010). – Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 78(6), 818-828.
  5. Practice-driven evaluation of a multilayered psychosocial care package for children in areas of armed conflict.
    Jordans MJD, Tol WA, Komproe IH, Susanty D, Vallipuram A, Ntamutumba P, Lasuba AC, De Jong JTVM. (2010).  Community Mental Health Journal; DOI 10.1007/s10597-010-9301-9.
  6. Development of a multi-layered psychosocial care system for children in areas of political violence.
    Jordans MJD, Tol WA, Komproe IH, Susanty D, Vallipuram A, Ntamutumba P, Lasuba AC, De Jong JTVM. (2010). – International Journal of Mental Health Systems, 4:15.
  7. Communal violence and child psychosocial wellbeing: qualitative findings from Poso, Indonesia.
    Tol WA, Reis R, Susanty D, De Jong JTVM. (2010). Transcultural Psychiatry; 47: 112-135.
  8. Development of a comprehensive psychosocial support model for children in areas of political violence.
    Jordans MJD, Tol WA, Komproe IH, Susanty D, Vallipuram A, Ntamutumba P, Lasuba AC, De Jong JTVM. (2010).  Forthcoming in S. Muntasser, P. Joshi & R. Munaz (Eds). Children and War: The Impact of War and Terror on Children and Adolescents. New York: Springer Publishing Company.
  9. Evaluation of psychosocial and mental health support for population affected by political violent.
    Susanty D, Tol WA, Irmayani R et al. – Paper presented in the First World Conference of Humanitarian Studies. Groningen, The Netherlands. Feb 2009.
  10. Strengthening participatory planning process in the post conflict setting, Poso-Central Sulawesi.
    Irmayani R, Susanty D, Suryantan J et al. -Paper presented in the First World Conference of Humanitarian Studies. Groningen, The Netherlands. Feb 2009.
  11. Cluster randomized trial on school based mental health intervention for political violence affected children in Indonesia.
    Tol WA, Komproe IH, Susanty Det al. (2008). – JAMA; 300(06):655-662.
  12. Effective discipline technique and alternative to punish children.
    Susanty, D. – (September 2007). Local Community Magazine Bogor Kita.
  13. How to help children to solve conflict.
    Susanty, D. – (November 2007). Local Community Magazine Bogor Kita.
  14. Increased understanding of comprehensive psychosocial care and its contribution to peace- building: Preliminary results of a pilot project in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia.
    Susanty D, Tol WA, Irmayani R et al. – International Conference: Sustainable Development in Conflict Environments: Challenges and Opportunities. Centre for International Studies and Cooperation (CECI). Kathmandu Nepal. January 2007
  15. How Fear Protects Me.
    Wardhani V, Wijayanti AH, Susanty D, Suminar I. (2009). – Psychosocial Comic Serial 1st edition Jakarta: Church World Service Indonesia- SERASI USAID.
  16. To communicate to relieve.
    Wardhani V, Wijayanti AH, Susanty D,Suminar I. 2009 – Psychosocial Comic Serial. Church World Service Indonesia-SERASI USAID.

Maternal and Infant Nutrition

  1. Legislation should support optimal breastfeeding practices and access to low-cost, high-quality complementary foods: Indonesia provides a case study.
    Soekarjo D & Zehner E.– Mat Child Nut 2011;7(Suppl.3): 112-122
  2. Ministry of Health Workshop on Recommendations on Portion Size and Fortification of Complementary Foods in Indonesia. Jakarta, 16 October 2015.
    A report for the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition.
  3. Landscape Analysis on Infant and Young Child Feeding in Indonesia.
    Damayanti D. Soekarjo. – (Internal document for GAIN, Geneva 2010)


  1. School-based HIV prevention program in Surakarta, Indonesia.
    Susanty D, Rejeki T, Suryantan J et al. – Poster presented in 9th International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pasific. Bali – Indonesia. August 2009.
  2. Knowledge, attitude and practice on issues related to HIV and AIDS: The survey in street children at East Jakarta.
    Susanty D, Rejeki T, Suryantan J et al. – Poster presented in 9th International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pasific. Bali- Indonesia. August 2009.

Non-communicable disease (NCD)

  1. Intake of salt/umami/fat and sweet/fat tasting foods are associated with cardiovascular disease (CVD) mortality in Dutch elderly cardiac patients
    Niswah I, van Langeveld A, Teo PS, Geleijnse JM, Mars M. – Abstract presented in Asian Congress of Nutrition, Agustus 2019.

Infectious diseases

  1. Landscape Assessment and Formative Research on Newborn and Young Child Care with Focus on Possible Serious Bacterial Infection and Pneumonia.
    Savica and ResultsInHealth. – Final Report to UNICEF. 26 November 2018.

Social Safety Nets

  1. Integration of data systems for social assistance programs; Why and How?
    . – A policy brief for the World Bank, 2018.
  2. PKH Maternal and Child Nutrition Status Monitoring Information System Tools (PO 7185442).
    Savica. – Final Report for the World Bank, February 2018.

Communication Strategies

  1. Strategi Komunikasi. Fish and Aquaculture for Food Security in Indonesia (FAFI).
     – Januari 2017.
  2. Strategi Komunikasi Untuk Mengubah Nilai dan Sikap Seputar Disabilitas.
    –Submitted to UNICEF Indonesia. Desember 2019.
  3. Communication Strategy PNPM Generasi Phase 2.
    September 2014.

Home fortification

  1. Lipid-based Nutrient Supplements.
     A report for the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition. August 2015.
  2. Home fortification in Indonesia.
     – Landscape analysis for the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition. February 2014.

Climate and Food and Nutrition

  1. Nutrition and Health Survey of Underfive Children and Women in West Timor 2007: Need for Immediate Action in West Timor.
    Church World Service – CARE International Indonesia – Helen Keller International (2008). – Jakarta, Indonesia: CWS/CARE/HKI
  2. Food and nutritional security assessment March 2007: Initial impact analysis of the 2006/2007 crop season in comparison to 1997/1998 and 2002/2003 El Nino events for the Eastern NTT region.
    Johan Kieft & Damayanti Soekarjo.- CARE International Indonesia 2007.

Hygiene and Sanitation

  1. Hygiene Life, Prevent Diarrhea(Comic).
    Suminar I, Suryantan J, Susanty D. – Church World Service Indonesia-Lutheran World Relief (2011).

Program Evaluations

  1. MEANING: Madurese Engagement in Actions to Nurture Increased New Initiatives to Generate a Better Future. Lessons Learned Review with special focus on the Health and Nutrition Component.
    Damayanti Soekarjo. – Internal document for CARE International Indonesia (2006).
  2. Final Report Monitoring and Evaluation of PKH Prestasi Pilot Project Brebes, Central Java.
     – Submitted to UNICEF. 2016
  3. OPERATION EVALUATION. Afghanistan – Protracted Relief and Recovery Operation: 200447, Assistance to Address Food Insecurity and Undernutrition: A mid-term evaluation of WFP’s Operation (2014- 2016)
    David Coombs, Damayanti Soekarjo, Nastaran Moossavi, Shahbaz Bokhari, Ali Hakimi, Nathan Horst. November, 2015 Commissioned by the WFP Office of Evaluation.