Savica was appointed by IFAD, FAO, and WFP – the United Nations Rome Based Agencies (RBAs) – to conduct a situation analysis to inform the development of a joint pilot to strengthen Sustainable Food Systems in NTT Province. The scope of this study included an analysis of the food systems in NTT from a nutrition, agriculture, and environmental lens, including policy analysis and stakeholder mapping. This analysis identified the challenges, gaps, and potentials within NTT’s food systems, along with opportunities for the RBAs to jointly tackle these challenges. Recommendations were given in order to inform decisions and choices to be made by the RBAs on concrete actions, value chains and locations for the pilot project .

This study was implemented under the RBAs Joint Country Strategic Plan (2021-2025) in Indonesia that was developed to support the implementation of the Government’s medium-term development plan (RPJMN 2020–2024) and the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF 2021-2025) for Indonesia.