Savica conducted the mid-term review (MTR) of the World Food Programme (WFP) Country Strategic Plan (CSP) Indonesia 2021-2025. CSPs encompass the entirety of WFP activities in a country during a specific period. This MTR assessed the continued relevance of the CSP as well as its operational efficiency and internal and external coherence, by addressing four key review questions: 1) Strategic positioning of the WFP CSP, 2) results so far of WFP performance and effectiveness, 3) efficiency, and 4) factors that can explain performance. The purpose of this review was to provide an independent assessment of the WFP Indonesia CSP and its achievements so far and to inform strategic and programmatic decision-making and any adjustments (if needed) for the remaining time of the CSP period.
The MTR process consisted of a desk review of WFP documents and other relevant written sources (total 184 documents) and 52 key informant interviews with WFP partners from government, UN agencies and other organizations. The findings were validated in an internal workshop.